The Perfect Ingredients of Life
“Life is as a recipe, each soul requires its own perfect ingredients, to create its own perfect life recipe” — Anonymous
Each of us as human beings have grown up and will continue to grow up with our preferences and non preferences.
We find some things more appealing to us than not and we decide to follow the course of that which does in fact appeal to our 5 senses in a manner that brings peace, love and joy into our lives.
We may attach ourselves and follow the path striving for similar things that bring us these elevated emotions, and rightfully so as our deep peace and joy is, in my opinion, the most important aspect of our livelihood.
Imagine a wall filled with the perfect types and amount of ingredients that we can choose from to form our own “perfect life.” On top of that, we also have our own unique recipes that have been laid out for us with directions as to how much of each ingredient is needed to live the life that we wish to live.
You are the Chef de Cuisine of your life with the perfect ingredients at your disposal, ready to create and use only that which serves you, in the best way possible.
However, though the wall is indeed filled with all the ingredients that we need for our “perfect recipe” of life, it is also filled with ingredients that we do not require.
I’ve had trouble, and continue to have trouble with bouts of criticizing, complaining and comparing my life to those of others. Instant gratification is so easily portrayed nowadays through the medium of social media that subconsciously, I have allowed the inner workings of my mind to succumb to the images of everyone else’s “perfect life” or a life that society depicts and supports as “ideal.”
This wall is filled with the perfect ingredients not only for myself, but for all others around me. Who am I to judge or to throw away those ingredients that which I do not need for myself? To give a negative opinion, to judge, criticize, or compare someone else’s perfect ingredient to my own, I have now found to be an unnecessary thought/belief.
As state previously, we are all uniquely ourselves. We each have our own unique struggles and achievements, preferences and non preferences. Therefore, we may simply choose the course that pleases us and satisfies our lives and give no judgement to the unique course of others.
We pick our perfect ingredients off of the shelf, and simply leave all other ingredients on the shelf, hoping that others are able to find their perfect ingredients as well.
Take a moment to give yourself a pat on the back, as you are journeying through your own life, picking out your own perfect ingredients in each passing moment. Give yourself grace, as we can only be perfectly ourselves, and that is enough. Give others grace, as they can only be perfectly themselves, and that is enough. Take a step back, and wonder at the uniqueness that makes each of us human.
Long story short … choose the ingredients of the life that you prefer to live the best you can, and try if at all possible to not compare, criticize, judge, and complain about the other ingredients on the wall because what doesn’t work well in your life, may very well be the defining factor in the well-being in someone else’s life.
Continue to work to love the life you create moment to moment and wish the same for all others.
P.S. I continue to fail daily with this concept, but all that I can do is my best to keep this concept deeply rooted within. Thank you to all of your beautiful souls for reading this. You are all more than enough.